Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Journey

Interesting feedback arrives with us via our dog. Criticism - witticism and guidance. One point we find most interesting is the comment about scenes being ‘Too long’.

Why ?

To further understand Kelpie one must further understand TIME.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Five short movie questions that helped us understand the cliches.

Does your movie have Zombies in it?

Does your main character stare into a mirror?

Does a couple break up over a conversation in a cafe / park / shop / office etc?

Does your movie repeat itself (do I see the beginning at the end)?

Is your movie an homage to Silents / Hitchcock / Westerns etc?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cù Sìth

Take a closer look at Kelpie at around 00:00:38. Most will miss the two hounds of the movie, it’s likely that only the creatures from the mounds would sense their presence. Cù Sìth for those who would delve deeper into the turbulent stream?


Little have we spoke of making Kelpie the movie here on our blog - perhaps because it may not be necessary - for fairy tales and folklore speak for themselves. And the purpose of this blog is in serving as a series of clues and questions - for there are no answers, only choices here. But to feed the curious as to why we made our movie - one need only look to the dark world of the fairy tale and it’s wonder - whilst many are obsessed, possessed or aware of only the very recent and perhaps excited by what technology can and will be able to do in the future, for us, magical shapeshifting sequences from another time was an inspiration.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What’s it all about

Listening to this little album whether on Spockify or buying from amuzzin or aye-tunes will take you on a ride to the heart of Kelpie.

Or put the needle on the rekkid below for a moment of tenuous distraction . . .

Monday, August 15, 2011

Five stories you should read if you enjoyed Kelpie

The Bottle Imp - Robert Louis Stevenson
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture - Douglas Coupland
Solaris - Stanislaw Lem
You Can’t Win - Jack Black
White Fang - Jack London

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Five movies with Kelpies

Because everybody loves a list - and few people know ‘that which is a Kelpie’, we at Kelpie the Movie for fun decoded to list five places where you may have seen representations of the Kelpie on the screen.

Seek and enjoy !

Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

River Monsters ’European Maneater’ the Animal planet documentary

The Water Horse


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bit Steam

Not a complete stream - a collection of water particles - a haven for Kelpies ?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Highland Tales

Another out of copyright publishing, featuring tales of creatures from an older world than that of the printing press and the digital download - but does the spirit live on?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Help find the answer


Spirit Guide for Surfers

It’s wise for the surfer to look below the shimmering glassy surface
or know what spirits lurk amidst the froth of their surfing.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Conan who ?

Kelpie film maker let’s loose a little of the emotion from his Norse family bloodline and asks...

A Viking riddle:

I am man's treasure, taken from the woods,
Cliff-sides, hill-slopes, valleys, downs;
By day wings bear me in the buzzing air,
Slip me under a sheltering roof-sweet craft.
Soon a man bears me to a tub. Bathed,
I am binder and scourge of men, bring down
The young, ravage the old, sap strength.
Soon he discovers who wrestles with me
My fierce body-rush - I roll fools
Flush on the ground. Robbed of strength,
Reckless of speech, a man knows no power
Over hands, feet, mind. Who am I who bind
Men on middle-earth, blinding with rage?
Fools know my dark power by daylight.

‘Broadening horizons and seeing the world differently is - or ought to be - in the remit of film.’
The 2010 Guardian Film Power 100.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Up to your Neck in water spirits - find out more Kelpie at this wikipedia entry.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stills from the ‘Nature of Panic’

A short movie shot tonite.


To plunge into the pool of film making - at ‘Kelpie’ we swim in pools of light, and shade, and sound from magical sources. Serve yourself up some dishes from our blog to continue the journey with Kelpie.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Blue streams of unconsciousness extracted from Kelpie the movie

Moonlight morning unconsciousness - souls in machines drift as a stream to repeated daily destination - most missing the glory of the moon itself.